Complaints Procedure

What did we do wrong? 

If we didn't get things spot on, let us know. We’d like to put it right.

Where to direct your complaint

In-person or in writing: 2, QBM Business Park, Gelderd Rd, Birstall, Batley WF17 9QD

By email:

By telephone: 01924 440009

When we’ll get back to you

We’ll do our best to resolve your complaint straight away, but if we can’t, we’ll write to you within five business days to explain why:

  • We’ve not resolved your complaint

  • Who is dealing with it

  • When we’ll next contact you

We’ll stay in touch, but you can also reach us at 01924 440009 anytime. 

What happens if we can’t resolve your complaint

If we can’t agree on a solution within eight weeks, and your complaint is about our credit brokerage service, we’ll:

  • Send a letter with our reasons for the delay and when we expect to give you a final decision; or

  • Issue our final decision letter explaining our final position

We’d like to think we can resolve all credit brokerage-related complaints within eight weeks. But if you’re still unsatisfied after receiving your final decision letter (or after eight weeks have passed), you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

How to refer your complaint to the FOS

Contact them within six months of the date of our final response letter at:

Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
0800 0234567 

You can also get more information on the FOS website.